The Bigger Picture

Staying Human: The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting Edition

Staying Human

Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed a number of mass shootings. Yes, the ones that make national headlines, and the ones that go unmentioned by the mainstream media. There’s a lot that’s been said about them; plenty of debate, conjecture, blaming, shaming, convicting, and support of victims. But there’s one subject that is rarely addressed: the ripple effect these shootings have not just on those not directly impacted, but those who are continually watching from a disance and what coping skills we should we all employ.

What do we do?

The Bigger Picture

On Self-Care

Photo by Romanos Senikidis

You’re tired, strung out, and wrung out from the summer of 2016. Work, crime, politics, social media, and social justice. Battles over black lives, blue lives, brown lives, and God help the other color lives that have not made it into the media’s three ring circus. This constant onslaught of death and destruction has left many of us feeling overwhelmed and wondering if life matters at all.

And that’s okay. You’re human. You hurt because you care.