
How Come Nobody Can Let the Past Go?

White nationalists led a torch march through the grounds of the University of Virginia on Friday night in Charlottesville, Va. Credit: Edu Bayer for The New York Times

How come nobody can let the past go and learn to love and respect each other?

A friend of mine who supports leaving Confederate memorials where they are posed that very question a few days ago. And it’s a good question. Why can’t Confederate sympathizers let go of the past? There’s a faction of Americans who believe that removing these memorials is an attempt to erase history of those who fought and died in historic battles. I disagree.


You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can’t “Make” It Stop Being a Racist

Image by Oscar Nilsson at

The problem isn’t so much that some white people don’t understand “white privilege.” The problem is potentially two-fold. First, they may not understand it by that specific name. I’d never heard of the term “white privilege” until a few years ago; but growing up in the south, I knew it when I saw it exercised … even with my eyes closed. Everyone in these United States recognizes the concept of white privilege when they see it. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this 1-minute video from educator, Jane Elliott. 


“When I Look at People, I Don’t See Race.” The Myth of Color-blindness.

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For some, it’s hard to believe issues of race, discrimination, and privilege still need to be addressed in 2017. But all anyone need do is have an in-depth conversation with a Person of Color about their direct experience in these matters to realize that racism is alive and well. With today’s polarized political opinions and rising numbers of hate crimes, it’s more important than ever that these conversations


No Cuts, No Butts, No Coconuts: When Marginalization and Privilege Cut the Line.

Image by Rob Bye,

Let’s say you arrive at your favorite restaurant for a meal as soon as the doors open. You speak with the seating hostess and ask how long is the wait? She tells you there’s no wait and asks how many in your party. You respond one. (Roll with me on this, I hate eating alone in a restaurant, too.) She tells you to have a seat, you’re next.


Understanding versus Empathizing in Regards to Racism

Image by Annie Spratt

Referring to a recent essay, a question arose regarding my goal of getting people to “understand” what we black Americans are going through versus getting people to “empathize” with what we are going through. It was suggested that I “go for empathy rather than understanding.” The difference between the two is a subtle but major one that needs to be explored.

The Bigger Picture

And Now Our Feature Presentation … Racial Reconciliation

If you’re like me, when I go to my friendly, neighborhood multiplex to enjoy a film I am committed to the process of taking in as much of the movie as I can. I tend to only go to see movies that will speak to me, hold my interest by delivering an experience that appeals to me based on genre or actor, or that I’m curious about. So, in a sense, I have a vested interest in what happens on the silver screen. I also have a vested financial interest, the money I paid to see the film. And I also invest time sitting in a darkened room with the expectation of being entertained.